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As far back as the Luddite textile workers who destroyed weaving machinery at the start of the industrial revolution, there has been a fear that each technological advance in the workplace will lead to higher unemployment. But a study of census results in England – the birthplace of the first industrial revolution – reveals that the opposite is the case.
Economists at Deloitte looked at the relationship between jobs and the rise of technology by trawling through census data for England and Wales going back to 1871. They found that instead of taking away work, technology was “the great job-creating machine”.

Duis condimentum nunc metus, maximus porta velit temporin. Intincidunt leo viverra, sodales ex eu, posuere purus. Duis in augue vestibulum, aliquet nulla vitae, tempus tellus. Phasellus sit amet scelerisque quam, vitae vulputate massa. Sed tempus consequat nisi eu tristique scelerisque quam aliquet nulla.
Pellentesque et scelerisque nunc. Sed vel ipsum auctor, iaculis arcu quis, posuere dui. Duis condimentum nunc metus, maximus porta velit temporin. Intincidunt leo viverra, sodales ex eu, posuere purus. Duis in augue vestibulum, aliquet nulla vitae, tempus tellus. Phasellus sit amet scelerisque quam, vitae vulputate massa. Sed tempus consequat nisi eu tristique scelerisque quam aliquet nulla.
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